In the new series of work, A Familiar Interval, American artist Sterling Hundley searches for the presence of time as a living and breathing companion through the observation of our familiar routines. Throughout the artist’s home, working canvases are embedded behind cabinets, under sofas, chairs and coffee tables so that fleeting moments can be chronicled; a new layer for each new sitting.
Buried within these layers are daily observations of a life familiar- children playing, a dog sleeping, a cat eating, a woman resting. In the studio, away from a home life in perpetual motion, layers are carved, cut and torn to read like a compressed animation, revealing the presence of time as light cuts across a room, children grow older, hardships and triumphs intervene and a family life unfolds.
The resulting drawings are ordered, yet chaotic; familiar yet abstract with images resurfacing as forgotten moments. These embedded canvases and accompanying journals serve as the catalyst for larger paintings with a focus on curation through paint, surface, design, line, pattern, shape and color.
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From the Artist
These works have been startling in their clarity and candidness, as the choice to sacrifice one element reveals a loved thing that has been covered and forgotten.
In many ways, this work is the answer to questions I made years ago that led me to establish Legendeer- an international community dedicated to embedding artists back into the world. An embedded artist seeks the value in authentic, direct experiences in shaping their own story.
The work presented in Familiar Interval is a marriage of process, intent, inquiry, relationships, community and vision. In many ways, it is a validation of the pursuit of authenticity through the labor, the methods and my attempts to honor the familiar. It is a working process that allows my wandering mind to be present, to dream, to provide and to create.