Title: fractal heart by Christopher Gagnon
Client: Strangers & Karma
Art Director: Blaire Grady
Brief: A visual response to accompany Christopher Gagnon's poem entitled fractal heart.
Process: From the start, this project fell into the category of- we can do anything we want. Iterations moved from a single illustration with text, an animation, webflow, a movie and ultimately to an animatic. I pursued a number of metaphorical directions for the project and it wasn't until I was prompted by a trip to my mom's hometown in Hungry Horse Montana, as well as Glacier National Park. Family lore tells of my mom living atop a fire lookout tower where my grandfather was a National Forest Ranger and station manager. Pulling from the author's words, the image of the smoldering man took root and I built the visual storytelling around a lament of a lost love from youth. Nothing felt more lost and without purpose than a Park Ranger atop a lookout tower that has already burned through.